The website is owned by FELBERMAYR BULGARIA EOOD.
It was created for informational purposes, indicating the type of services the company provides.
These General terms and conditions govern the relationship between the users and the provider of the services offered on the website
Accessing, viewing and using in any way the services and resources of the website require your agreement to these General Terms and Conditions.
Please read the General Terms and Conditions in detail before browsing the website or using the services offered!
The provider is “FELBERMAYR BULGARIA” EOOD, UIC 175329295, company headquarters: Plovdiv, 41 “Dobri Voynikov” St.
All information published on including but not limited to texts, photos, images, illustrations, graphics, as well as any information uploaded to the site, is the exclusive property of the provider. The content of the website should be used by the user only for personal and non-commercial use. Using the information available on the website for commercial purposes such as copying, modifying, downloading, reproducing, publishing or distributing is strictly prohibited.
When interpreting and applying these General Terms and Conditions, the terms and expressions used will have the following meaning:
“IP Address” is a unique identification number associating a device, Internet page or resource of the user in a way that allows their localization and individualization in the global Internet network.
„“ is a website owned by “FELBERMAYR BULGARIA” EOOD through which USERS are provided with information services and resources described in these General Terms and Conditions..
“Electronic link” is a link indicated on a particular Internet page that allows automated forwarding to another Internet page, information resource or object through standardized protocols.
“Malicious actions” are actions or inactions that violate Internet ethics or harm persons connected to the Internet or associated networks, sending unsolicited mail (SPAM, JUNK MAIL), gaining access to resources with different rights and passwords, using of flaws in systems for one’s own benefit or obtaining information (HACK), carrying out actions that can be qualified as industrial espionage or sabotage, damaging or destroying systems or information arrays (CRACK), sending “Trojan horses” or causing the installation of viruses or remote control systems, disrupting the normal work of other Internet users and associated networks, performing any actions that can be qualified as a crime or administrative offense under Bulgarian legislation or other applicable law..
A “web page” is a part of a website that may be compound or separate.
“Information system” means a device or system of connected devices which or any of which is designed to store, send or receive electronic documents.
“User” is any person who uses the information services and resources provided through the website.
“Service/s” – any/all services, consultations, programs and/or others provided to users through the functionalities of the Website.
“User Content” is any video material, image, text, photographs, multimedia content or other material that is placed on the Server of in order to make it available through the website to all USERS.
“Server” is a device or system of connected devices on which or any of which system software is installed to perform tasks related to storing, processing, receiving or transmitting information.
“Website” is the designated place on the global Internet accessible through its unified address (URL) under the HTTP or HTTPS protocol and containing files, programs, text, sound, picture, image, hyperlinks or other materials and resources.
“Material” is any object of copyright in the context of Article 3 of Copyright and Related Rights Act, as well as any information in the form of written text, picture, audio or video material, representing part of the site, which can be reproduced and offered wirelessly or by cable for access to an unlimited number of persons, allowing this access to be carried out from a place and at a time individually chosen by a user or an employee of “FELBERMAYR BULGARIA” EOOD.
“Database” is a set of independent works, data or other materials, arranged systematically or methodically and individually accessible by electronic or other means, representing an information resource of “FELBERMAYR BULGARIA” EOOD, respectively on its website in the hypothesis of Art. 11 and, respectively, Art. 14 of Copyright and Related Rights Act.
An “accidental event” is a circumstance of an extraordinary nature, unforeseen at the time of the conclusion of the contract, which makes its implementation objectively impossible.
“General Terms and Conditions” – the terms and conditions that govern the use of the Website and its services and resources.
“Website/Site” – a dedicated space on the Internet with a web address (URL)
“Supplier/We” – the company “FELBERMAYR BULGARIA” EOOD, UIC 175329295, company headquarters: Plovdiv, 41 Dobri Voynikov Street, which manages and maintains the Website and administers all services on the Website.
“User/You” – any adult and competent/able to act individual or legal entity who accesses the Website, views and/or uses the Services offered.
“Digital content” – all materials, including tips, guidelines, questionnaires, audio and video materials and other content provided by the Provider to the User through the functionalities of the Website or in online meeting and messaging platforms (Viber, Skype, Zoom, Messenger etc.) or sent by email or other means of electronic communication.
“FELBERMAYR BULGARIA” EOOD, UIC 175329295, company headquarters: Plovdiv, 41 Dobri Voynikov Street, in its capacity as a Provider, through its website, provides the USER with the services provided for in these General Terms and Conditions (the “services”), subject to strict compliance by the latter with the requirements set forth in these General Terms and Conditions.
Validity and operation
These General Terms and Conditions constitute a legal agreement that is binding on the Users and the Provider. The relationship between the parties is governed by these General Terms and Conditions, the Provider’s Personal Data Policy and other written terms and conditions for individual services published on the Website. The Provider reserves the right to change these General Terms and Conditions at any time. Users will be notified of the changes through a notice prominently displayed on the Website. In case of disagreement with the current version of the General Terms and Conditions, the User should not use the Website or the Services provided through it. The Provider makes no guarantees for the completeness or accuracy of the information, for technical or other omissions or errors in the Website and/or the Services.
Personal Data Protection
By accessing the Website, the User accepts that the personal data he provides may be collected, processed and stored by the Administrator for the purpose of correct, problem-free and full use of the Website, in accordance with the General Terms and the Policy for the protection of personal data and cookies published on the Website , which is an integral part of the General Terms and Conditions. The administrator takes measures to protect the personal data of the Users, in accordance with the requirements of the Personal Data Protection Act, GDPR and other applicable provisions of Bulgarian and European law.
User’s rights and obligations
The User undertakes:
– To use the Services and materials offered on the Website according to their purpose and in accordance with these General Terms and Conditions;
– To provide accurate information when contacting the Provider;
– – To access the Services and the Website through the technologies and means provided independently by the Provider and Skype/Zoom/Viber, implemented through their usual functionality. and not to use, copy and distribute, in whole or in part, the content published on the Website for any purposes other than those expressly stated in the General Terms and Conditions.
– Any of the following actions by the User are prohibited:
(а). Copying, adapting, modifying, creating derivatives of the software and digital content on the Website, including but not limited to Flash, PHP, HTML, JavaScript, JavaApplets or other code and/or programming resources.
(b). Recording, downloading, processing and copying of the Website, the content published on it and the advice provided, as well as sharing, distributing, broadcasting and transmitting them to other websites, social networks and others and disclosing them to third parties, including but not limited to means of mass communication, through their transmission on a hardware medium, etc.
(c). Using any automated or non-automated processes to collect, store, archive or retrieve information about other Users of the Services and the Website or in any way systematically extract information from the Provider’s Website.
(d). Hiding, blocking, deleting, removing or in any way hindering visibility and access to any messages, banners, advertising and other content and information posted on the Website.
(e). Bypassing, removing, manipulating any elements of the protection and measures and technical means implemented to protect the Services and the Website from unauthorized access, from hacking and other malicious attacks and destructive actions, including but not limited to any actions that have purpose or result is the blocking of access to the Services and/or to the Website, uploading and distribution of illegal content, the destruction in whole or in part of the functionality of the Services and the Website, theft and loss of data from the services and resources of the Website.
(f). Preventing or restricting other Users from accessing the Services, the Website or any part of its content in any way.
The user has the right:
– To lawfully use the Website and all Services and resources for the purposes and within the limits of these General Terms and Conditions.
Rights and obligations of the Provider
The provider has the right:
– At any time, at its discretion, to make changes to the Services and the Website in connection with maintaining, developing and/or improving the quality of the Services provided, as well as to expand the scope of the Services, to make changes to the materials and content published on the Website without being liable for it.
– To block the User’s access to the Services and/or to the Website in its entirety or to individual parts thereof, when:
(а) violation by the User of the General Terms and Conditions, the Personal Data and Cookies Policy and other terms and regulations that are an integral part of the General Terms and Conditions;
(b) commits, attempts or a real danger that the User will commit illegal acts or acts that threaten the security and functioning of the Services and/or the Website, or affect the legitimate interests of the Users, the Provider or its partners, contractors and other related parties , or another significant public interest must be preserved.
– In order to improve the quality of the Services, when performing preventive measures, when repairing damage, updating information and other related activities, the Provider has the right to temporarily limit or suspend the provision of the Services and access to the Website.
– All rights not expressly granted in these General Terms and Conditions are reserved and belong to the Provider.
The provider is obliged to:
– provide access to the Services, the Website and the content published therein to the User in accordance with these General Terms and Conditions.
– perform the services with the necessary quality and according to the existing professional standards.
Responsibility. Restrictions
In case there is any doubt about the quality and reliability of the Services or the Website, the User should not use the Services. In all other cases, if, despite these doubts or reservations, the User uses the Services, the responsibility for this decision rests entirely with the User. The Provider does not guarantee that the Services are applicable and suitable in every case and for any purposes related to the main subject matter of the Services. The provider is not responsible for the quality, reliability, accuracy and performance of related services provided by other persons and organizations in connection with the functioning of the Internet, social networks, hosting and other services, in the event of traffic disruptions due to reasons for which it is responsible the internet provider or the companies providing online and other services available through this Website, as well as for the quality of the Services when using faulty technical means, devices and/or incorrectly configured software by the User. The Provider is not responsible for the quality of the Services when using malfunctioning technical means, devices and/or incorrectly configured software by the User or for any direct, indirect, specific, incidental or consequential damages related to the use of software programs, installed on the User’s devices. The Provider is not responsible for suffered or future damages that are caused by inaccurate, unreliable or misleading information and/or data provided by the User. The Provider is not responsible for delay or inability to fulfill its obligations in the absence of assistance from the User, which is necessary for the performance of the relevant service, as well as in the event of force majeure circumstances beyond the reasonable control of the Provider for reasons that cannot be imputed to him. Any reference to third party services by the Provider does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by the Provider.
Rights of the users of information society services
Supervisor for the protection of consumer rights in Bulgaria is the Consumer Protection Commission with address: 1000 Sofia, Slaveykov Square № 4A, floors 3, 4 and 6; tel.: 02/933 0565 and user’s phone: 0700 111 22, website:
In the event of a dispute regarding obligations, in which no agreement has been reached, the User may refer the dispute to the bodies for alternative resolution of consumer disputes (ADR) under the conditions and in accordance with Article 181a et seq. of the Consumer Protection Act. Additional information on the alternative resolution of consumer disputes can be found on the website of the Consumer Protection Commission at and on the online dispute resolution platform (ODRP).
The performance of the Services is related to the collection and processing of personal data in accordance with the Provider’s Privacy and Cookie Policy published on the website. If the User does not agree with the Privacy and Cookies Policy, the User should not use the Website and/or the Services therein.
Applicable law
The provisions of the current Bulgarian legislation shall apply to matters not settled by these General Terms and Conditions.
Effective from: 08.01.2024
© 2024 “FELBERMAYR BULGARIA” EOOD | All rights reserved.